R price 

Raft has experienced a security incident on 10 November 2023. Please do not interact with the protocol until further notice. Read more.
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Self-reported circulating supply
10,665,791 R
Total supply
10,744,966 R
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Raft has experienced a security incident on 10 November 2023. Please do not interact with the protocol until further notice. Read more.

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About R

Raft enables the generation of R, a leading USD stablecoin, by opening a CDP (collateralized debt position), or by depositing stablecoins into the Raft protocol reserve.

R is the most capital-efficient USD stablecoin backed by high-quality collateral assets such as stETH (Lido Staked Ether) and rETH (Rocket Pool ETH) and reserve assets such as CHAI, the yield-bearing version of the DAI stablecoin.

R aims to keep a tight and stable peg by means of the Peg Stability Module, the contract that stabilizes R’s price by allowing users to trade it against reserve assets, such as DAI, at a fixed exchange rate.