DCR to AUD: Live Decred to Australian Dollar Rate

The DCR to AUD conversion rate today is $29.08. This is a decrease of NaN% in the last hour and a decrease of 4.30% in the last 24 hours. The recent price direction of Decred is a decrease because DCR is down by 29.75% against AUD in the last 30 days. Our converter updates in real time, giving you accurate price data every time you use it to make a conversion.

Decred to Australian Dollar FAQs

What is the price of 1 Decred (DCR) in Australian Dollar (AUD)?

The price of 1 Decred (DCR) in Australian Dollar (AUD) is currently about $29.08.

How much Decred (DCR) can I buy for $1?

Currently, $1 can buy about 0.03439 Decred (DCR).

What is the highest price of DCR/AUD in history?

Decred (DCR) reached the all-time high price of $385.90 AUD on 4/17/2021.

How much has the value of Decred (DCR) changed against the Australian Dollar (AUD)?

In the past month, the value of Decred (DCR) has decreased by -29.7% against the Australian Dollar (AUD).

Decred to AUD Chart

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DCR to AUD Converter




Australian Dollar

DCR to AUD Conversion Rates

CurrenciesCurrent Price
DCR AUD$29.08
DCR CAD$25.95
DCR CHFFr 17.35
DCR EUR€17.66
DCR GBP£15.09
DCR PHP₱1,089.23
DCR BTC0.0003278 BTC
DCR ETH0.006534 ETH
DCR BNB0.03426 BNB
DCR ZARR 351.74
DCR NZD$31.99
DCR NGNNGN 24,961.98
DCR SGDS$25.71
DCR INR₹1,572.67

DCR to AUD Rate History

The DCR to AUD rate moved - $1.3053 by 4.30% in the last 24 hours, which can be seen in the chart below.
Date1 DCR to AUD24h
May 01, 2024$44.87


Apr 30, 2024$46.24


Apr 29, 2024$49.07


Apr 28, 2024$48.24


Apr 27, 2024$49.71


Apr 26, 2024$49.35


Apr 25, 2024$53.54


DCR / AUD Conversion Tables

The real-time conversion rate of Decred () to AUD is $29.08 for every 1 . The table below shows the live rate to convert different amounts, such as 5 DCR into AUD.


AmountToday at 10:52:33 am
0.5 DCR$ 14.54
1 DCR$ 29.08
5 DCR$ 145.38
10 DCR$ 290.75
50 DCR$ 1,453.77
100 DCR$ 2,907.54
500 DCR$ 14,537.71
1000 DCR$ 29,075.42


AmountToday at 10:52:33 am
0.5 AUD$ 0.0172
1 AUD$ 0.03439
5 AUD$ 0.172
10 AUD$ 0.3439
50 AUD$ 1.72
100 AUD$ 3.44
500 AUD$ 17.20
1000 AUD$ 34.39