

Volumen de trading Dex (24 h)



Acerca de KnightSwap

KnightSwap is the preeminent decentralized exchange (DEX) on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) built for reliable & sustainable yields while providing the highest quality Decentralized Finance experience.

At KNIGHT we provide a synergistic ecosystem to help investors build wealth acceleration tools to maximize upside while limiting mistakes. Within the ecosystem, you can find games, NFTs, & explore the world of BSC through our strategic partnership tokens.

What You Can Expect At KNIGHT Instantly swap tokens: no registration or account needed. Enjoy the highest liquidity trades with the lowest fees. No hassle & more money for you.

Earn Provide Liquidity --> Earn Trading Fees You can earn fees from other traders when you provide a Liquidity Pair (LP) on KNIGHT (Here is a walkthrough of how you can get started)

Yield Farming→ $KNIGHT Stake LP tokens to earn $KNIGHT. You get LP tokens through providing Liquidity for the pair on our DEX. (Here is a walkthrough of how you can get started)

Pool→ Earn Partner Tokens Stake $KNIGHT to earn Partner Tokens

Castle Vaults→ Stack Your Riches Place your riches into our castle vaults and watch it grow as our auto compounding magic takes care of the rest for you.

Raid→P2E Games To Win More Riches Test your skill against other Knights for glory and of course chances to win more riches in our play to earn (P2E) games.

Discover New Projects (IWO) At the heart of the KNIGHT ecosystem is the WIZARD platform. Magical things happen here, one of them being the Initial Wizard Offerings (IWO). This is where investors can gain exposure to new projects that have been vetted by the team

Collect NFKs Ascend the ranks of your Knighthood in the KNIGHT community by owning your own Non Fungible Knight (NFK)

Security We take security and the safety of your investment here very seriously at KNIGHT Security Audit- coming soon once all updates to the system have been completed we will be obtaining multiple audits

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