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What Is DackieSwap? DackieSwap stands as #1 Native Real Yield DEX on Base. It has been constructed as an exceedingly efficient and customizable protocol, enabling both creators and users to leverage our tailored infrastructure for profound, sustainable, and flexible liquidity. DackieSwap surpasses the conventional design of DEXs by prioritizing a personalized approach that highlights composability.

DackieSwap serves as a decentralized exchange (DEX) that facilitates token swaps on the Base Chain. The platform operates on an automated market maker (AMM) model, enabling users to engage in trades against a liquidity pool. By becoming a liquidity provider, users can acquire LP tokens, which grant them a portion of the exchange's trading fees.

Who Are the DackieSwap Founders? DackieSwap is managed by a predominantly anonymous team, comprising individuals from diverse backgrounds with various areas of expertise. However, the majority of team members possess extensive experience in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.

How Much Are DackieSwap Fees? At present, token swaps on DackieSwap incur a 0.3% trading fee, with 0.25% of that fee allocated as a reward to the liquidity pools and 0.05% directed towards the treasury.



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