WingRiders DEX

WingRiders DEX




关于WingRiders DEX

Unlock the true potential of your utility tokens on Cardano by exchanging between assets, gaining from liquidity provision, farming, and boosting with WingRiders. Co-shape Cardano’s decentralized future via the WingRiders’ DAO. The platform’s future is in your hands.

Thus WingRiders is a DAO-operated, innovative DEX on Cardano, utilizing cutting-edge technology developed by leading engineers in the space. The user-friendly platform provides users with numerous options for maximizing capital efficiency for ADA and Cardano native assets they own. These include swapping between assets, autostaking of ADA (voted by the liquidity providers), providing liquidity, liquidity mining, and increasing gains using the innovative Boosting Vault. The only DeFi platform on Cardano that allows a user to benefit from up to six gains by simply providing liquidity and farming on the DEX.

The platform’s safety and security are top priorities. Any new feature or functionality is subject to a rigorous internal and external auditing process before deployment to ensure the safest trading environment.

There are currently over 240 pools, many farms, with several of them being double-yield ones, more coming online, and a pioneering DAO governance platform. The platform currently supports 9 wallets in total, two of which are hardware wallets, ensuring even more security for user’s funds. The direct connection of a Ledger or Trezor hardware wallet via an Android mobile device adds a new layer of convenience and protection for carrying out actions on the go when interacting with the DEX. You can also connect to WingRiders via the Eternl wallet DApp connector, direct from the UI.*



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